Logo Intec ColorCut

Otomatis motong lambar

SC6500 Otomatis cutter digital creaser

SC6500 Otomatis lambar cutter / creaser

The New SC6500 ngagabungkeun kaluaran tinggi jeung konsumsi énergi ultra-rendah, dina format kompak, sanggup ngolah jobs nepi ka 1060mm / detik.

Ngabagikeun gaya unik anu sami sareng SC6000, SC6500 tiasa ngajalankeun padamelan tina PC nganggo parangkat lunak NEW sareng kalebet ColorCut Pro 5, atanapi beroperasi langsung tina USB atanapi padamelan anu disimpen sacara internal, diaksés ngalangkungan layar rampa 7" ageung, ngamungkinkeun unit. pikeun dioperasikeun ampir di mana waé aya stopkontak, tanpa sambungan anu sanés anu diperyogikeun!

Sampurna pikeun duanana cut-through & creasing tina kartu lightweight - kitu ogé ciuman-motong labél lambar.

Intec Digital cutter SC6000 otomatis lambar cutter

SC6000 Otomatis lambar cutter / creaser

An auto sheet cutter with a complete restyling, offering compact footprint and ergonomic operating height, long media handling capability, adjustable touch screen/control surface, and integral media storage and fold-away media catch tray.

Blending sheet fed and flatbed technologies - The SC6000 creases and cuts with speed and accuracy! Perfect for both cut-through & creasing of lightweight card – as well as kiss-cutting sheet labels.

ColorCut SC5000 cutter lambar otomatis

SC5000 Otomatis lambar cutter / creaser

Nyampurkeun téknologi tuang sareng flatbed - creases SC5000 ogé potongan! Sampurna pikeun duanana cut-through & creasing tina kartu lightweight - ogé labél lambar ciuman-motong.

+ 44 (0) 1202 845960